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來源:24直播網2024-11-12 01:34:00





在未來,曼聯將會適時公布新的男足一線隊教練組成員,以確保球隊在新賽季中保持出色的表現和戰術打法。Category the sentences below according to their use of conditional or mixed conditional-mixed non-conditional sentences.

1. If it rains tomorrow, I will bring an umbrella.

2. I always bring an umbrella when it rains.

3. I hope it doesn't rain so I can play tennis outside.

4. Rain or shine, we will play tennis together.

5. If I had a time machine, I would travel to the past.

6. I enjoy playing tennis in the rain, but it's not advisable.

7. The more you practice, the better you'll get at tennis.

8. Last week, it was rainy every day, so I brought an umbrella every day.

Conditional: 1, 5, 8

Mixed Conditional-Mixed Non-Conditional: 2, 4

Non-Conditional: 3, 6, 7


* Conditional sentences are those that express a condition and its result. They are typically used to show a future action based on a specific condition (e.g., "If it rains tomorrow..."). The examples marked as conditional all have a condition (if) and a result (will do).

* Mixed Conditional-Mixed Non-Conditional sentences are those that combine both conditional and non-conditional elements. They often express a regular or constant action that is influenced by a condition (e.g., "I always bring an umbrella when it rains," which is a regular action influenced by the weather). The examples marked as such have both conditional and non-conditional elements.

* Non-Conditional sentences are those that express a regular or constant action without any conditions (e.g., "I enjoy playing tennis in the rain"). These sentences simply state a fact or an action that is not dependent on any external conditions.

In the provided list of sentences, sentences 1, 5, and 8 are all conditional sentences because they all express a future action based on a specific condition (e.g., rain tomorrow or having a time machine). Sentences 2 and 4 are marked as mixed because they combine both conditional and non-conditional elements (e.g., always bringing an umbrella or playing tennis regardless of the weather). Sentences 3, 6, and 7 are non-conditional because they express regular or constant actions without any conditions (e.g., enjoying playing tennis in the rain or getting better at tennis with practice).
